Monday, April 13, 2015

Puppy Love

To the Dog Lovers, 
So my dog poodle, Moppy, had recently been pregnant back in February and gave birth to six beautiful puppies. With two boys and four girls. Sadly one girl died because it was too weak. This was Moppy's second time being pregnant, her first litter were six also and all of them survived. My poor Moppy though, I must say she is a trouper, being 45 in dog years. She was exhausted after giving birth, but then happy to see her children. 
When Moppy was Pregnant Selfie.

After Moppy Gave Birth. 
Now the puppies are three months old and they are playing all over the place. They are so fluffy and cute I want to cuddle them up. The two boy puppies are the most playful and the girls are more loving. Even though they are soon destine to find a brand new home I took the liberty to name them. The two boys names are Cafe and Tyrone. The girls names are Sprinkles, Sweetie, and Curly. Its really interesting to see them grow because they each have their own personality. Like Cafe and Tyrone are always playfully growling at each other. Curly is the puppy who hides and is the most scared out of all. And Sprinkles and Sweetie are the most friendly and like to lick a lot. So far the boys have homes already where they will meet their new family, but the girls are yet to be adopted. I sure hope they find new homes though soon. When Moppy had her first litter we kept one girl and named her Laika. Laika loves being a big sister, she is always cleaning up after her siblings and she likes helping Moppy bathe them.       

Hmm your hand tastes good!

Hi my name's Tyrone!

The sisters Sprinkles and Sweetie are playing. 

Nap time! Shhh!

Who would say no to this face?

Puppy burrito!
They are growing up to fast and I know I'll miss them. Hopefully the girls have a home soon too because it takes a lot of time to be able to care for a dog. All in all though it is nice to have some puppy love around. Sometimes we all get lonely at times and seeing them makes my day.   
Xoxo Lizzie

Friday, April 10, 2015

You Are my Sunshine!

Hello my Sunshines! 
So far it's been getting sunny in the Windy City. Mother Nature has finally decided to give us some warm decent weather. Though there has been lots of rain. But I suppose that's normal because we are in April. And you know the old saying, April showers bring May flowers. 

So with Spring here I have been busy trying to style some outfits for this lovely season. This outfit is inspire our beautiful star; the sun. I decide to in cooperate warm colors into this. I wanted it to have shades of orange and yellow. This OOTD (Outfit of the day.) is great for sunny days or walking down your nearest mini boutiques. When people look at this I want them to get a garden vibe sense. Spring is when fresh blooms finally start to appear from their long dark hibernation. Enjoy it while it last, take a walk and smell the flowers. Hope all of you enjoy the sunshine.  
Xoxo Lizzie

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spring Casual OOTDs!

Hello Beauties!
I hope all of you lovelys are enjoying your day. I can just feel that ray of sunshine peering out getting ready for spring and summer to come! Seeing the sun in the morning makes me so happy. That is why I have styled these casual outfits that can come in handy when your up and about. These outfits were inspired by the feel of newly spring. I hope all of you have an amazing day and take advantage of any ray of sunshine! :)
                                                            Xoxo Lizzie