Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Flying into a New Year!

   There comes a time in life where we're all just wanting to be freshly planted seeds; become newly born butterflies coming out of our cocoons. We all may just refer to this as New Years, but I call it a new chance to be reborn. 

   New Years is a time I like to think logically about my year; all my accomplishments and yes sadly even failures. Thinking about what I should have done and what I shouldn't have. But thinking about all of this shouldn't bother us. Why? Well, because it's in the past. We can't change anything that has past, we DON'T get another chance to redo that moment we wanted to change; ever again. And even though that may be a burden to some of us, we just have to learn to let it go! Let it go! Let it go! Maybe try listening to "Let it go" in Frozen? Maybe you'll get the message. ;) Though we don't get that second chance we do get a new beginning, and this is what I do know. 

   Things happen for a reason, and even though you may just say you don't believe in that quote, you shouldn't debate whether you believe or not; just know it does. Because things happen for a reason whether we like it or not, there's this quote by Marilyn Monroe that I think everyone should read.  
“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”

   We all want to take out a blank canvas and start all over again. And this is what a new year has to offer. Let's just take a moment and forget about every mistake that we made that made us into who we are. It's time for a change! It's time for us to take a leap into the world! Whether it be traveling somewhere new, trying something new you never known you love, or even just deleting a bad flaw. 
 Life is beautiful. And sometimes we seem to forget that because of all our problems in life. We just need a moment to take a breath. Have fun in life and learn how to shake off your troubles. Never let yourself surrender to your negative feelings, because you can conquer a new start in anything you set your mind into. Ah, and at last this just leaves me to New Year Resolutions. We all have New Year Resolutions, even when people say they don't, in secrecy they keep in mind about what they want for their new year to come. 

   But New Year Resolutions are never quite successfully completed. This is a new start and don't forget it! Don't turn lazy and forget about completing your resolutions. New Year Resolutions are just goals to me, if that's an easier way to look at it. Here are some tips to accomplish your resolutions for the new year:
  • Write down your goals on paper, whether it be on a journal. Write down what you plan to accomplish this year. Also try writing down why because it would give you a reason to attack that goal stronger. 
  • Have a supporting team behind you. If you know you're the type of person who gives up have friends encouraging along the way. This makes your goals easier to take on. 
  • Don't beat yourself off when failing. Failing is just another reason to keep trying and not give up!
  • Check off all your goals you accomplished. Trust me doing this can leave a satisfying feeling. After doing this make more goals! Keep climbing that ladder. 

   Well, I hope all of you beautifuls have an amazing New Years Eve! Reflect on your past, live in your present, and look forward to your future lovelys. I will see you next year.  

Xoxo Lizzie

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

And have a fashionable Christmas!

Christmas is when we spend time with our family and friends. These outfits are great when going to your relatives house to spend Christmas or just for dressing nice at home for this special occasion. Learn to give back around this time in the season and be graceful for everything in your life that you have. My best wishes to all of you lovelies and hoping you have a wonderful Merry Christmas!   
Xoxo Lizzie