Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Update! News! I'm Alive!

It has been such a long time since I actually posted something in writing. So I been taking a break and I am trying to get with my inner self. Through the whole summer I explored new places, met new people, and learned new lessons. I also been trying to find new inspirations. Sometimes I feel very drained because of all the energy I use up to create projects. So going out and seeing new things for once is great for me. I can do routines, but I like changing it up. So here is some news! For all of you lovies who have been curious to know what I'm up to.
So one I did get a bob! Here is a picture above of my recent hair. ;) So I have started college! I go to an art college so it's a bit different than a traditional college. I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to be taking classes that I'm passion about. Now as I mention on my Youtube Channel, I want to do something in the fashion field. I'm not sure what yet, but I'm majoring in fashion design so far. I also want to sell my own art illustrations, paintings, and etc. I plan on making a video about my outfits of the week or on my blog, so keep a look out! Overall I have big plans I am currently working on...and new videos of course! So this is just an update I guess, yes I am still alive! Haha. Here is a seek peek of a room in my art school, it's a studio place where basically any artist can work in. I was staying up all day til night in that room. At night the windows look so beautiful, you can see the city from above. :)


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