I know how it feels like to want to get healthy and tone, but, you would just be too tired or you don't find exercising fun. Don't worry I'll share some of my daily exercises for you guys, some of my exercises I like to do for getting toned and losing weight and etc..
First of I love running, but not to a point where I would want to run past one mile. My sister does Cross Country/track and I run with her, but, I don't run that long like her, that's why I only run around 10-20 minutes. It depends how I feel, sometimes I would run just a mile and done. If your not a running type of person try running for about 10 mins for warm ups. Even though running isn't the most fun exercise it is great for cardio.
Dancing is a fun exercise everyone likes to do. It can be fun because it feels like your not even exercising...well not until you start sweating and feel your abs aching. I LOVE dance as one of my workouts, I like doing Zumba for my workouts. Zumba is proven to be the world's most weight losing dance. I love shaking my hips to the music. Zumba can help you get toned and build your abs, and that booty. Woo hoo! But, seriously let's get back to business. I like making up my own Zumba moves usually. Zumba is some of the dances I like to do, I also like doing ballet, or just free style and just dancing for fun. So to make it more fun try looking up a type of dance you like doing.
As much as I love dancing I also love yoga. Yoga is one of my daily exercises for the day. Yoga is a very relaxing/strength building/flexibility exercise. Most people think its easy and boring but, they don't know what their talking about. Yoga is a healthy exercise not only for the body but, for the mind. It can release your stress from problems and get you more relax. Its also builds your strength up , making you stronger on any part of your body you know your weak at. Yoga can get any part of your body toned. Not enough upper body strength? Not a problem. I like doing yoga mostly in the afternoons and I want to do a five minute yoga warm up in the mornings to get me going for the day, but, I'm just in such a rush sometimes I don't; it'll be good for the mind to start relax and happy in the mornings. If you really want to do yoga you can sign up for yoga classes, or watch on Youtube "Tara Stiles" for yoga. She is a yoga instructor,I love doing her exercises.
In the Spring/Summer I like riding my bike, it tones my legs and my booty. It also gives me a time to think while riding and look at nature. Biking loses you the most calories in little minutes of riding, I read that somewhere, but, don't remember. But, all in all biking does get you nice legs ;) and I mean it, its also something that's fun to do. I bike usually 3-4 times a week, and i usually bike for about 20 minutes or less, it depends on what distance I'm going to go,or, where I'am going to go.
These are the exercises I LOVE doing and I'am currently doing for the summer, I hope you guys get something out of it, I don't only do these for the summer I like doing them throughout the year too. Xoxo
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